Security and Scalability
The Dero Cycle Station 2 provides scalable, high-capacity, secure bike parking for bicycle commuters, and is a great option for large corporate and collegiate campuses. With a high roof and open platform, the Dero Cycle Station 2 allows bike corrals, vertical, or two-tiered bike racks configured to meet your specific needs.
Size Matters
The Cycle Station 2 is available in 12′, 16′ and 20′ widths, and can be expanded lengthwise by as many 4′ sections as you like, giving you the flexibility to accommodate your capacity requirements, no matter how big or small.

Door Options
Door(s) may be placed between any uprights for greatest flexibility in layout. A variety of door handles, locks, closers, and hinges are available per spec. Standard keyed or electronic access door packages are available.

Exterior Solar Lighting
Solar lighting units are available to mount to the exterior of the Cycle Station 2 for greater security at night.
Download Spec Sheet