
Elevating Biking in 2024: Dero Bike Lockers as Catalysts for Health, E-bikes, and Sustainability

As we stride into the promising horizon of 2024, there’s no better time to embrace positive changes that benefit both personal well-being and the environment. One innovative solution, primed to revolutionize the way we approach cycling, comes in the form of Dero bike lockers. These cutting-edge lockers not only promise enhanced security but also serve as a beacon for incentivizing individuals to embrace biking as a lifestyle choice, fostering health and reducing carbon footprints.

Dero Bike Lockers: More Than Just Secure Storage

Dero bike lockers represent a paradigm shift in bike parking solutions. Beyond mere security, these lockers provide a haven for bicycles and e-bikes alike. The integration of charging capabilities sets them apart, facilitating the usage and adoption of e-bikes—an innovative mode of transportation revolutionizing urban mobility.

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Promoting Health Through Biking

The new year often inspires a commitment to healthier lifestyles, and biking plays a pivotal role in this transformation. Regular cycling offers an array of health benefits, from improved cardiovascular fitness to stress reduction and enhanced mental well-being. Dero bike lockers serve as a tangible incentive, providing secure parking that encourages individuals to incorporate biking into their daily routines, fostering a commitment to personal health and well-being.

Empowering E-Bike Usage

E-bikes have emerged as a game-changer in urban commuting, offering an efficient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional transportation methods. However, their widespread adoption faces challenges, notably the need for convenient charging options. Dero bike lockers fill this void by providing charging capabilities, thereby promoting the accessibility and usage of e-bikes. This integration not only facilitates convenience but also encourages more individuals to opt for e-bikes as a sustainable mode of travel.

woman riding e-bike

Championing Sustainability

Reducing our carbon footprint stands as a critical goal for the betterment of the planet. Biking, especially when coupled with e-bike technology, presents an environmentally friendly transportation option. By utilizing Dero bike lockers equipped with charging capabilities, individuals contribute to sustainable practices. Opting for e-bikes powered by clean energy not only reduces emissions but also promotes a greener, more sustainable future.

Conclusion: Pedaling Towards a Brighter Future

In the landscape of transportation evolution, Dero bike lockers serve as beacons of change, promoting biking as a catalyst for health and sustainability. With secure storage and charging provisions, these lockers pave the way for embracing e-bikes, encouraging a healthier lifestyle, and reducing carbon footprints. As we embark on the journey into 2024, let’s leverage the accessibility and functionality of Dero bike lockers to pedal towards a future that prioritizes health, promotes e-bike innovation, and champions environmental sustainability.

Bikeep for Office Buildings

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Smart Bike Stations for Office Buildings

Employees who cycle to work are more likely to be on time,perform better in their roles and save employers money, so employers say.Research suggests that employees that cycle to work are less stressed, more productive, and more focused.

Introducing: Bikeep

bikeep docks on white background

Boost Health and Productivity with Bikeep

By incorporating our bike stations and encouraging cycling, office buildings can establish pleasant environments that provide cleaner air, increased recreational options, enhanced accessibility, and diminished parking demands for environmentally harmful vehicles, freeing up valuable space. This approach allows for a reduction in carbon footprint while simultaneously making office properties more appealing and easily accessible.

Bikeep stations come equipped with multiple layers of protection:

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Loudspeaker alarm

An audible sound alerts people nearby to any attempted theft.

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Secure steel bar

Locks both the frame and front wheel of the bike.

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Connected to the internet

Automatic distress signal forwarding and live usage overview.

By implementing a Bikeep Network, you can promote physical and mental well-being, support local businesses, and contribute to zero-emission goals.

Secure, Convenient, Inclusive, and Sustainable

More Benefits:

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Increased Bike Usage

Based on our experience, implementing a city-wide network of secure parking stations for bikes can yield a remarkable 50% increase in bike usage within a mere two-year timeframe.

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E-bike Charging

Bikeep offers both standard and e-charging enabled stations, catering to various user needs. E-charging stations allow secure e-bike recharging while parked. E-bike use is rising dramatically among all age groups. Bikeep offers e-charging enabled stations for your customers and employees who arrive by e-bike.

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Enhanced with co-branded bike parking stations featuring company logos and colors.

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Increased LEED Points

Over the past decade, Bikeep has collaborated with municipalities, transit authorities, commercial real estate providers, and local retailers to develop seamless bike parking networks that increase cycling rates. Our stations help address mobility issues, ensure safer transportation, and support zero-emission goals.

Together let’s build cleaner, safer, and more vibrant cities!


The Dero Smart Bike Lockers Powered by Bikeep Are  Poised to Revolutionize Urban Cycling

In recent years, urbanization and a growing focus on sustainable transportation have led to a surge in the popularity of cycling as a means of commuting and recreation. With more and more people adopting bikes as their primary mode of transport, the need for secure and convenient bike parking solutions has become increasingly evident. Coupled with this trend is the rise of electric bikes, or e-bikes. E-bikes offer an eco-friendly and convenient alternative to traditional bicycles, making cycling accessible to a broader range of people. As the popularity of e-bikes soars, meeting the need for secure storage solutions has become more important. Traditional bike racks and storage options, while functional, often fall short in terms of security and weather protection, not to mention failing to provide a power source for charging. 

Enter Dero Smart Bike Lockers powered by Bikeep, an innovative addition to the world of bike parking solutions that’s changing the game for cyclists everywhere. 

The Need for Secure Bike Storage

Dero Smart Bike Lockers powered by Bikeep are smart, secure, and weatherproof bicycle storage solutions that incorporate charging technology. Bikeep bike lockers are a modern solution that tackles these challenges head-on with a range of innovative features:

High Security: Bikeep lockers are equipped with robust locking mechanisms and are made from durable materials, making them highly resistant to theft and vandalism. Each locker is accessed through a smartphone app, providing a secure and convenient way to store your bike.

Weather Protection: These lockers are designed to shield bicycles from the elements. Rain, snow, and UV rays are no longer a threat to your bike’s condition. This protection extends the lifespan of your bicycle and reduces the need for repairs.

User-Friendly: Bikeep lockers are user-friendly and convenient. Cyclists can easily reserve and access lockers using a smartphone app, eliminating the need to carry heavy locks or worry about finding an available spot.

Charging Capabilities: All Bikeep lockers can be equipped with charging outlets for e-bikes and other electric vehicles. This feature is particularly valuable in cities where electric mobility is on the rise.

Data and Analytics: Bikeep’s smart lockers are equipped with data and analytics capabilities, allowing city authorities to monitor usage patterns and plan for future infrastructure improvements. This data-driven approach helps cities optimize their bike parking deployment.

Space Efficiency: Bikeep lockers are designed to maximize space efficiency. They can be installed in a variety of locations, including sidewalks, parking lots, and transit stations, allowing cities to provide ample bike parking without taking up excessive space.

The Power of Partnership

The partnership between Bikeep Bike Lockers and Dero Bike Parking is a game-changer for urban cycling. By combining Bikeep’s cutting-edge tech with Dero’s expertise in bike infrastructure, cities and businesses can now offer cyclists a secure, convenient, and sustainable solution for parking their bikes. As urban areas continue to embrace cycling as a vital mode of transportation, this partnership promises to play a crucial role in making our cities more bike-friendly and enhancing the overall cycling experience. Get ready to see more cyclists on the road, confident that their bikes are safe and secure, thanks to Bikeep and Dero.


Mastering Bike Parking: The Do’s and Don’ts

Once upon a time, bike parking was a relatively simple task; find an old school rack, – or a tree in a pinch, –  and carry on with your day. But as more people look to biking as a transportation and commuting alternative in our eco-friendly focused world, bike parking is now an essential part of responsible cycling, and campus and urban planning. And now with eBikes becoming a major part of the climate-focused transportation conversation, cities and schools alike need to plan for energy conscious cyclists looking to make major changes in their personal carbon footprint.

Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or a newbie, knowing the do’s and don’ts of bike parking can help ensure the safety of your bike and contribute to a more organized and efficient urban environment. In this article, we’ll explore the key do’s and don’ts of bike parking to help you become a pro at securing your bike.

bike parking sign and photo of bike with two locks

The Do’s of Bike Parking

Use Designated Parking Areas: Whenever possible, choose designated bike parking areas. These areas are usually equipped with bike racks, posts, or bike lockers specifically designed to securely hold your bike. Using these spaces prevents congestion and maximizes the use of available parking spots.

Lock Your Bike Properly: Invest in a high-quality bike lock and learn the proper locking techniques. The “Sheldon Brown Locking Method” is a popular choice, involving threading the lock through the frame, rear wheel, and an immovable object. Avoid locking just the front wheel or using flimsy locks that can be easily cut. More locations are adding advanced bike racks and bike lockers like Dero’s bike parking systems to encourage people like yourself to consider cycling as an alternative transportation method, and using these systems whenever possible will not only keep your bike secure but will also encourage more cities to provide these services with usage.

Secure Both Wheels and the Frame: Thieves often target easily removable parts like wheels. Prevent this by locking both wheels and the bike frame to a fixed structure. If you have quick-release wheels, consider using a secondary cable lock for added security.

Choose Well-Lit and Visible Locations: Opt for bike parking areas that are well-lit and within the sightline of pedestrians and potential witnesses. This deters thieves and increases the chances of your bike being noticed if someone attempts to tamper with it.

Respect Parking Regulations: Just as with cars, there may be regulations for bike parking. Follow any posted guidelines or restrictions to avoid fines and contribute to a clutter-free environment.

bikes parked to railings and trees

The Don’ts of Bike Parking

Don’t Block Pathways: If you’re unable to find a dedicated bike parking system or station in your location, it’s important to avoid parking your bike in a way that obstructs walkways, ramps, or building entrances. Consider the convenience and safety of pedestrians when choosing your parking spot.

Avoid Trees and Signposts: While it might seem convenient, the days of being able to lock your bike to trees, signposts, or other non-designated structures are gone. Parking your bike on a tree can damage it, and attaching it to a signpost can impede the function of the sign. Use proper bike racks instead.

Stay Clear of Handrails and Handicap Spaces: Never lock your bike to handrails or in handicapped parking spots. These areas need to be accessible for everyone, and your bike could be a hindrance.

Don’t Overcrowd: If bike parking spaces are limited, don’t squeeze your bike in a way that takes up more space than necessary. Maximize the available spots by parking your bike neatly and efficiently.

Avoid Locking Only the Front Wheel: Locking only the front wheel leaves your bike vulnerable to theft, as the frame and rear wheel are not secured. Always lock through the frame and both wheels for maximum security.Mastering the art of bike parking involves more than just finding a place to lock up your bike. By adhering to the proper do’s and don’ts of modern-day bike parking, you can protect your bike from theft, contribute to a more organized urban environment, and promote responsible cycling practices. Remember to invest in a reliable bike lock, park in designated areas, and be considerate of others when choosing your parking spot. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a bike parking pro.


Onward and Upward: Fresh Accolades for Bikeep

We’re proud to share the news that our new partners at Bikeep have been named the 2023 World’s Best Parking Charging and Hubs Company at the 2023 Rider’s Choice Awards. The Rider’s Choice Awards focuses on tracking, measuring and celebrating the top performers of the micromobility industry and Bikeep’s efforts in bike infrastructure earned them a top spot.

Micromobility is a rapidly growing and competitive industry with major players from around the world like Vespa, Amazon and Harley Davidson vying for their role in shaping the future of how people commute. At Dero, we can’t wait to continue championing the field with our combined industry leading expertise.